Facility Assignments

The  2024 facility assignments are posted at the link below, and on the bulletin board at the lakefront landing. Contact the Harbormaster or Facilities Director with any questions. June 28 is the deadline to use/occupy your assigned facility; after which the facility will be offered against a waiting list.

2024 Assignments  

Directory of Members

For the latest directory with addresses, digits, and emails of your neighbors, please contact Membership or the Secretary.


Seniority List

Seniority rank, as of July 20, 2024, for the purposes of facility purchases, rentals, and usage are displayed by address and not owner.

 Seniority List


Make any IHA payment here!

Venmo Instructions

Bulletin Board

If you've misplaced something, check here before giving up hope. Maybe you need a babysitter,  or have a water toy you'd like to sell, it will be posted here.

Coming Soon!