IHA Rules & Regulations

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Rules and by-laws pertaining to rentals of IHA homes

IHA properties may be rented only in their entirety; no fraction or portion may be rented, and all leases shall be in writing and shall be for an initial term of no less than 30 consecutive days, per Article IX of IHA by-laws. Rules governing the rentals of IHA homes are detailed under rules #8-11, and #13.

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Consistent with the culture and tradition of IHA, the most important rule is the general consideration of our association neighbors so as to promote a safe and peaceful environment for all members and their guests to enjoy. The Village of Fontana ordinances related to noise, lighting, trash/refuse, etc. support this rule. The following rules and regulations (R&Rs) are intended to be guidelines that will ensure such an environment and the enjoyment of IHA by all its members.

1. Roadways are also footpaths in Indian Hills. Motorized vehicles, including scooters and skateboards, must travel with consideration for pedestrian safety. Speed limits range from 25mph on Indian Hills Road to 5mph on our private roads and must be obeyed at all times by members and their guests. Speed humps go in from Memorial Day to Labor Day and are not to be moved.

2. Members should avoid parking on roadways within IHA, which creates unnecessary congestion and nuisance and, in some cases, dangerous obstacles affecting traffic flow and members’ property.

3. Dogs are not allowed to roam at large and, when off a member’s property, must be on a leash. Dog droppings must be picked up. These are ordinances of the Village of Fontana.

4. Burning of garbage is prohibited. Burning of leaves is allowed only with a permit from the Village of Fontana.

5. Pursuant to Village of Fontana rules, garbage must be placed in containers and recycling in appropriate plastic bags or containers and both should be placed at the street before pick-up, but no earlier than the day before pick-up. All garbage and recycling containers should be removed from the roadway as soon as practicable. 

6. Construction of or remodeling to any dwelling in the association must be conducted within the period from the day following Labor Day through June 15th. Exceptions to this rule will be allowed only for construction needed to maintain structural integrity of a dwelling or safety of its occupants. Construction exempted for these reasons can be performed no earlier than 8:30am and must exclude weekends. The Association  requires completion of a Construction Access form and the submission of a deposit, determined from the cost/scope of the project.

Failure to complete a Construction Access form and submit the appropriate deposit shall subject the owner to an assessment of $1000, and up to $1000 for each daily violation of any applicable IHA rule.

7. IHA rules and regulations apply to the common areas owned and maintained by Indian Hills Association. IHA Rules and Regulations 2021_FINAL 7/17/2021

8. All members choosing to rent their residence must comply with the Village of Fontana ordinances related to vacation rental homes, under Accessory Land Uses, Sec 18-64(x)(2) for “Tourist Rooming Houses” and in furtherance thereof must provide the following to the Board of Directors prior to renting:
(a) A valid Annual Village of Fontana Tourist Rooming House License for said residence; and
(b) Proof of in-effect liability insurance for the residence, stipulating in some manner the property is being used as a Tourist Rooming House (i.e., Short Term Rental)

In addition, members should pay particular attention to the following municipal requirements:
(a) the minimum rental period of seven consecutive days by any one party;
(b) the maximum number of occupants;
(c) the property operational parking arrangements; and
(d) the neighborhood impacts at all times related to noise, lighting, odor, or vehicular traffic.

9. All home renters are subject to the same rules as the member. The IHA member is responsible for any breach of IHA rules and regulations by the renter.

10. Home renters may not use any lakefront facilities, defined as PWC lifts, ramps, lockers, slips, buoys, or the unloading area of the boat pier. (See “Lakefront Park” rule 13 related to general lakefront access limitations.)

Lakefront Park

11. Park hours are from sunrise to 11:00 pm.

12. Each member has received three keys to the entrance gate of the lakefront park. This is to limit access to the facilities to members in good standing and their guests. Members are asked to accompany guests to the park area and must accompany any group of eight or more guests.

13. Lakefront use by home renters is limited to renters only. Home renters may not bring additional guests to the lakefront.

14. The swimming pier is for swimmers only. No boats are to be tied up at this pier at any time. All motorized watercraft are prohibited from the swim pier (other than those of the three west side slip owners).

15. Running, shoving, horseplay or other rowdiness on either pier is not permitted.

16. Fishing is permitted on the main boat pier only. Fishing tackle and prep is not allowed in any grass area at the lakefront. Tackle must be kept in the immediate fishing area.  Fishing is not allowed on the swim pier at any time. Violations are subject to a fine of $250, incrementing up to $1000 for each subsequent violation, with loss of lakefront privileges being the final enforcement.

17. Mooring of boats at the end of the boat pier is prohibited. This space is reserved for loading and unloading passengers. Boats that are left unattended will be towed at the owner’s expense. There is no swimming allowed off the boat pier.

18. Our swim area is guarded by the Water Safety Patrol. All residents (adults and children) must follow all safety patrol rules. These rules and lifeguard’s hours are posted on the bulletin board and at the lakefront park. Members and guests swim at their own risk when no lifeguard is present.

19. The lifeguard is to be obeyed at all times.

20. Alcoholic beverages, glass bottles, or other glass containers are prohibited.

21. No cooking, camp fires, or open flames are allowed.

22. Any food, containers or personal items carried into or trash created at the lakefront by members, their children or guests must be carried out on the same day.

23. No dogs are allowed in the park at any time except to be walked to a boat for boarding.

24. Personal items left on the lakefront after 11:00 pm may be placed into the Lost and Found.

25. All personal property must be removed from the lakefront park and mooring facilities by October 15th. Personal property left after that time will be removed and/or stored, and a minimum charge of $100 will be assessed to the responsible member.

Note: Locker owners may leave personal items in their own locked locker over the off-season at their own risk, subject to any end-of-season maintenance.

26. Large inflatables and towables are not to be left or stored on the lakefront property, and will be deflated or disposed of if left behind. They can only be stored on a moored boat or deflated in a locker.

27. The IHA Board has the authority to dispose of any property deemed to be abandoned.

28. Large inflatables, towables, and swim pads are prohibited in the swim area outside the square. The above items can only be used in the swim-square area with the approval of the lifeguard on duty.

29. Fuel containers are not allowed to be stored in lockers or on ramps, piers, and the lakefront.

30. All watercraft stored at the lakefront must have an identifier easily connecting the craft to its owner, this includes kayaks, canoes and paddle boards.

31. Only paddle boards are allowed to be stored in the storage rack. Inflatables, swim pads, and the like are not allowed.


Boating Facilities

All mooring facilities are governed by the Indian Hills Association rules and regulations, supported by the IHA By-laws. All the facilities assignments are at the directive of only the Harbormaster. These rules provide the Harbormaster and the members with appropriate guidelines to effectively operate and maintain our facilities. It is required that all IHA members operate their watercraft in full compliance with the State of Wisconsin Boating Laws and Responsibilities.


1. Only IHA members may use Association slips or buoys. Temporary use of IHA mooring facilities by non-members is prohibited.

2. All boats must be registered with the Harbormaster prior to mooring assignments. A Wisconsin Certificate of Number (registration), vessel make and model, and proof of in-effect liability insurance must be provided to the Harbormaster before a facility can be assigned or used.

3. The assigned facility’s homeowner must be listed on the registration and/or title of any watercraft that requires DNR registration (i.e., all motorized vessels, and those over 16ft.) Proof of member registration must be provided to the Harbormaster in a timely fashion, in order to be eligible to use a boating facility.

4. Boat mooring position and length must be such that no risk to swimmers, kayakers, paddleboarders and other boats is presented. Propellers must never appear out of the water, extending beyond the slip.

5. Boat lifts must be purchased, installed, maintained and removed by the slip owner or slip renter. Slip owners are encouraged but not required to have a boat lift. The slip owner should inform the Harbormaster and Facilities Director of the Board of the installation of a lift.

6. Boat lifts must be free standing and not attached to the pier or pier structure, except for the power boxes.

7. Power boxes should be at least three feet from the end of the pier directly south of the slip and no higher than the top of the boat.

8. The height of the boat lift should keep the boat out of the water by no more than one foot.

9. Boat lifts with crank wheels are not permitted.

10. Canopies above the boat lifts are not permitted.

11. Bow stops and side guide rails are permitted, provided they are built by the boat lift manufacturer, attach only to the boat lift and are not modified by anyone other than the manufacturer. 

12. No electrical power lines are allowed on the Indian Hills Association property or piers at any time.

13. No boat lifts may be stored on the Indian Hills Association lakefront.


1. Only IHA members may use Association lifts or ramps. Temporary use of IHA mooring facilities by non-members is prohibited.

2. All PWCs must be registered with the Harbormaster prior to mooring assignments. A Wisconsin Certificate of Number (registration), vessel make and model, and proof of in-effect liability insurance MUST be provided to the Harbormaster before a facility can be assigned or used.

3. The assigned facility’s homeowner must be listed on the registration and/or title of any watercraft that requires DNR registration (i.e., all motorized vessels, and those over 16ft.) Proof of member registration must be provided to the Harbormaster in a timely fashion, in order to be eligible to use a boating facility.

4. PWC lifts are assigned based on vessel/lift weight ratings. The PWC operating weight (vessel + gas) must not exceed the weight rating of the facility. If the assigned PWC lift is too small for the PWC the Harbormaster will attempt to reassign.

5. PWC users shall not sit upon the watercraft while on the lift or roller, and shall not operate the lift or roller while on the watercraft. Weight ratings of lifts do not account for passengers. Any lift damage due to improper use will be repaired and billed directly to the renter or owner responsible.

6. PWCs can be moored on ramps, subject to the following conditions:
a. An approved roller ramp device must be procured by owner/renter.
b. The combined weight of the roller device and the PWC operating weight must not exceed one thousand (1000) pounds.
c. It is prohibited to drive a PWC onto a ramp or roller device.
d. Any ramp damage due to improper use will be repaired and billed directly to the renter or owner responsible.

7. All PWCs must be removed from IHA mooring facilities no later than October 15th . Any special arrangements must be approved by both the Harbormaster and Facilities Director of the Board.

8. Any modification or repair to a PWC lift by a member is prohibited. PWC rollers may be maintained or repaired at direction of the roller owner; but any/all maintenance to the PWC facility must be completed by a current, IHA Board-approved vendor.

Note: The Wisconsin DNR-approved designated mooring area (DMA) for IHA allows one (1) watercraft, motorized or non-motorized, per ramp occupancy


Lakefront Sign

• MEMBERS and AUTHORIZED GUESTS ONLY. Unaccompanied guests may be asked for ID
• PARK HOURS: Dawn until 11:00 pm.
• No alcoholic beverages or glass containers.
• No recreational swimming off boat pier.
• Water safety rules apply and are enforceable by the lifeguard.
• Lifeguard is to be obeyed at all times. • Only one diver on diving board at a time.
• No swimming under the swim raft.
• Running, shoving, horseplay or other rowdiness on either pier is not permitted
• Boats may not be moored to swim pier except in designated slips by assigned users.
• Boats may dock at the boat pier for passenger pick-up/drop-off only; violators will be removed at their expense.
• No fishing allowed from swim pier, at any time.
• No dogs at any time, except to board a boat.